Category: overview

  • Soursop Seedlings: From Fiji and Brazil to Your Garden

    Soursop Seedlings: From Fiji and Brazil to Your Garden

    Embarking on a Tropical Fruit Adventure with Soursop Our journey at Tropical NZ began with a vision: to bring the exotic and very popular Soursop (annona muricata) into our local gardens. Recognizing the untapped potential of this tropical delight, we set out to introduce its unique flavor and potential health benefits to our community. Importing…

  • 7 Reasons Why You Should Grow Exotic Fruiting Plants in New Zealand

    7 Reasons Why You Should Grow Exotic Fruiting Plants in New Zealand

    Did you know that you can grow exotic fruiting plants like mangoes and lychee in New Zealand? Here are 7 reasons why you should consider growing these plants in your garden, from reducing food miles to supporting local businesses. With the changing climate, gardeners in NZ have the opportunity to increase food resilience and challenge…