Join Our Quest to Cultivate Cassava in NZ

Update 27 December: after years of searching, we found cassava/yuca (manihot esculenta) available at Flying Dragon Nursery, a mere 2km from our land! We now have three very healthy cassava plants 🙂

Exploring New Frontiers in Tropical Agriculture

At Tropical NZ, we’re embarking on an exciting new venture and we need your help! We’re setting our sights on cultivating cassava (manihot esculenta), a staple tropical crop, right here in New Zealand. However, there’s a catch – we haven’t been able to find any live cassava material locally, and importing it is both costly and challenging.

Cassava plant

The Significance of Cassava: A Global Staple with Local Potential

Cassava is not just a plant; it’s a lifeline for millions in the tropics. Known for its resilience and versatility, cassava is a crucial source of carbohydrates and nutrition in many parts of the world. We believe that this remarkable crop has the potential to thrive in New Zealand, especially in our warmest region, the Far North.

A Call to Action: Seeking Live Cassava Material in New Zealand

We are reaching out to anyone in NZ who might have live cassava plants or material. Your contribution could be the key to kickstarting this innovative project. By sharing any cassava cuttings, plants, or even leads on where to find them, you can play a crucial role in this agricultural adventure.

Our Vision: Growing Cassava in the Far North

Our goal is to experiment with growing cassava in the Far North’s favorable climate. We believe that with the ongoing changes in climate, cassava could become an important crop here, offering both nutritional and economic benefits.

Why Cassava? Understanding Its Importance and Adaptability

Cassava’s ability to grow in less-than-ideal soil conditions and its drought tolerance make it an excellent candidate for cultivation in various environments. This adaptability, coupled with its nutritional value, makes it an ideal crop to explore for sustainable agriculture in the warmest areas of New Zealand.

How You Can Help: Join Our Cassava Cultivation Initiative

If you have cassava plants or know where we might find some, please reach out to us. Your support is not just about growing a plant – it’s about pioneering a movement towards diverse and sustainable agriculture in New Zealand.

Have some information? Please contact us directly.






10 responses to “Join Our Quest to Cultivate Cassava in NZ”

  1. Saras Kumar

    That would be great and lots of people love cassava as their main meal in the Islands. Would love to see success to grow them here. That would be awesome. Fingers crossed for positive outcome. 🙏

  2. Vijay

    Great to know that there is a vision for the future. I would like to grow it in my backyard for personal consumption.Wishing you all the best.

  3. Shabnam Gulshan

    I m so excited about this it a root crop that was very popular in fiji and we miss the freash ones

  4. Christina Yamamura

    I have been looking for years to source Cassava to plant, missing them. They are staple food in the east islands of my home country Indonesia. Is there hope for me to fulfil my wish?

    1. We’ll see how it fares through winter, but we do hope it will survive and even thrive, at least in the warmest areas of NZ under cover as we’re growing it.

      1. Christina

        Yrs, please and thank you. Regards

  5. Andina

    I would love to grow it in my tunnel house, but I live in South Island.
    Hope more people can grow in NZ & I can buy the fresh leaves for my cooking

  6. Kim

    Hi, really keen to try and grow some in Waipu. Looked at the Flying Dragon site but pretty high priced – is there anywhere else that I can source smaller plants from to give it a try?

    1. Hi, unfortunately it is extremely rare in NZ, hence the high price for seed grown at the moment. We’ll see how they go through winter and will try to clone ours through cuttings. It will be years before anyone has a good amount of cassava plants here, we’re right at the start of this journey.

  7. Ruben

    Hi there. Please advice if you have any seedling to sale.

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